Michael I. Goran

Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Pediatrics, and Program Director for Nutrition and Obesity, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and USC Keck School of Medicine; and Director, Southern California Center for Latino Health.
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Nutritional strategies in early life for promoting healthy outcomes and eliminating disparities

The Goran Lab, directed by Michael I. Goran, a leading childhood nutrition researcher, is a highly collaborative interdisciplinary team that aims to discover how poor nutrition and increased body fat affects health, and how this is regulated during growth and development, from pregnancy, to infancy, childhood and the teenage years.

We are also interested in understanding how poor nutrition impacts disparities in health outcomes across different segments of the population, and how, from a developmental perspective, the mechanism(s) linking early nutrition to risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and cognitive development are established early in life. We are especially interested in examining how early feeding and exposure to dietary sugars and sweeteners affect the gut microbiome, obesity, the developing brain and cognitive function, and we conduct clinical trials to examine how these links can be reversed with novel dietary interventions

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